We buy houses in Macon
And yes we also buy occupied rental properties!
Tired landlord or just want out of a rental property?
Sometimes dealing with tenants can be tiring and frustrating. Whether you have a tenant who is difficult to deal with or if it is a rental property you want off your hands we would be happy to help. We can offer you a quick closing and fair price based on the rent value of the property. No need to put a property on the market for months or deal with a messy eviction. Let us deal with the headache! See the advantages of a sale with us on our Why Us?
No matter the condition or tenant: we're interested.
Our process is very easy and much less strenuous than a traditional sale. See more about how we buy properties on our What We Do page or get the process started today by filling out our form here.
We buy houses in Macon:
In any situation or condition!
We understand that every sale is different! Our experienced buyer team has bought hundreds of unique properties, and can buy your property quickly and for top-dollar!